Abondoned Softly Logo

Photographic Journeys by Ravian Budde.

Welcome to the Ramblings of Ravian and his Camera....

Please Enjoy....

Ravian's other endeavors include his design business;
Arcaeda Graphic Design


Running an independant game development studio called Shifty Pixels.

This has been created as a platform from which Ravian can generally vent his Photographic spleen...

... and so at least a small number of shots are actually used in some form of artistic expression apart from being shot, downloaded, tweaked and backup up onto some exorbitantly large external hard drive filled with other lovingly abandoned capturings of intensely sentimental moments in time...

Please feel free to contact Ravian if you would like to discuss, debate, debase or in any other way, express some form of rudimentary conversation with him.

Abandoned... Softly....

or is it Softly Abandoned?


My step by step instructions on creating a Canon N3 shutter release using an old PC power cable and switch has been published on - Check it out!